Parents Association

PA tent at recent race.

PA tent at recent race.

What is the PA?

The Parents' Association is the collective group of parents of our youth athletes.  Similar to other youth sports programs, the rowing club requires the support of its parents to make it go. It takes a village!

What does the PA do?

The PA primarily coordinates the feeding of athletes and their families at regattas. In order to accomplish this critical function, we plan the menus, solicit donations, shop for food and beverages, maintain the mobile food trailer, and set up the food tent and grills at the race venues.

Are there PA dues?

Yes. Currently, the dues are $75 per family per season for varsity and novice athletes; $20 per family per regatta for dev & advanced dev athletes. The dues pay for most of the food and also covers expenses such as the fee for tent/grill setup at the racing venues. Your fee would be waived if you volunteer to tow the food trailer twice during the season. The dues do not cover travel expenses, hotel costs or regatta fees.   

How do I join?

Well, you are in luck! Once your young athlete joins a program, you are automatically a member of the PA for that season.

Is there a PA president or any other position?

Yes, there are PA co-chairpersons (Kendra McTamney and Jamie Dean can be reached by email with any questions at as well as a treasurer (Kara Harlow). Additionally, one member is in charge of securing a block of hotel rooms and making restaurant reservations at regattas. We are currently seeking out a parent to help plan morale events throughout the year and a post-season banquet or two.  One of the co-chairpersons also holds a spot on the club’s board as Parent Liaison. 

As a parent, what is my time commitment to the sport?

Not going to lie, you will hang around a race site all day as your child will have multiple races, and likely will need to wait for their teammates to finish all races so the entire team can de-rig and load boats and equipment at the end of the day. Think of it as an all-day tailgate event. We also ask that parents help with either food prep, cooking or helping to set up the tent at the start of the day or break down the tent at the end of the day. Be advised that some races last an entire weekend.

What’s on the menu?

LHRC is committed to providing healthy meals and snacks for the kids during race day. Some examples of recent meals include chili, pulled pork sandwiches, side salads, fresh fruits, veggie platter, granola bars, oatmeal, etc. The PA takes great care to offer nutritious options to ensure our athletes perform at their best!

If you have questions, please contact Kendra at